Days 3-13

After 48 hours of clear fluids you will be ready to start on thicker fluids, including milk, protein shakes and vegetable juice. Optifast shakes can be helpful here.

The key is low fat and high protein. Full fluids give your body the nutrition it needs to help you heal and reduce muscle loss.

GOAL: Divide your daily fluids between clear and full fluids, aiming for 750ml of each per day (approx 6-8 cups).


Low fat milk/Calci-trum milk

Unsweetened soy milk

Smooth, plain, runny, unsweetened yogurt

Protein powder

Protein shakes (e.g., Optifast)

Protein water e.g., Bodiez protein water


Whole milk, other than Protein Plus milk

Flavoured milk with added sugar

Whole fat yoghurts with bits of fruit


Low protein milks eg oat, almond or coconut milk

Protein drinks with <20 grams of protein per serve

Next: weeks 2 to 4 post-op